Deck: Magical Unicorns - oracle cards
Card: Love from Your Parents
This card is telling you that your mother and father both love you, even though you may not always be able to feel their love. Everyone shows love in different ways - for example, some people show that they care through actions, such as giving you things or trying to help you. Other people express it through words that they say or write. If your mother and father show their love in ways you don't understand, you can talk to them about your feelings
The bond between parents and children can never be broken, no matter what. Even during times of anger, parents and children still love each other deep down. If you focus on this love, it grows even stronger and deeper. his love also helps everyone feels better and get along better.
If you mother and father are angry with each other, you can still love them both equally. You don't need to take sides. Everyone has something good inside them after all. God put love within every person. Your love toward both your mother and father is always deep and strong, even if you don't see one of your parents very much. Focus on what's good about your mother and father to help them - and you - be as loving as you an be.
I don't have much time today, so I will leave that though with you. Enjoy
Thanks for the ears,
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