I love you all...


"Death is easy, peaceful ... Life is hard!!!"

In order to have clarity in your life you must be clear. Clear of old ties, old issues and old thought patterns. Clear of any mental, spiritual, emotional or physical clutter.
Often the key to breaking a habit is to create a new one that is more supportive to your growth and happiness. Ultimately you need to take space for yourself, create a sense of inner stillness and calm. Then with strength and courage, clear away the clutter and destructive ties in life.

"Go with the flow ... ride the wind."

Monday, November 24, 2014


Dearest Diary,

Wouldn't it be so nice to have everyday a stress free day. No more hurt in the heart, body or soul. We all hurt, we all want to give up something sometime in our lives. Which ever it may be, it still would be fantastic to not have stress. We unfortunately cannot get rid of all the stress in our lives but we can certainly reduce some of it.

Sometimes it is very hard to realize that you do not belong in a relationship or career but we carry on regardless. Less try to analyze the pro's and con's on everything in our lives that gives us stress. Money, job, love, people, kids, dreams, life in general. No matter where we look and no matter what we do, its just stressful.

I have decided to try get rid of some of my stress. I have realized that if you feel good about yourself then others don't worry you so much. So basically what I am saying is that maybe with any luck I must change the way I think and act. I am not going to force myself to do something if it is too hard, I will take a breathe and try again later or tomorrow.

I need to fix ME ... I am hoping that my mind will help me.

1. Smile more often, talk with a smile, listen with a smile and forgive yourself with a smile.

This is what I will be doing for the next few days until it becomes a habit.

2. Tell someone you love, you love them. (tell them often through the day, send a kind message or pick up the phone and smile).

Lets see how this can help.

I am hoping it does :)

I am optimistic .....

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