I love you all...


"Death is easy, peaceful ... Life is hard!!!"

In order to have clarity in your life you must be clear. Clear of old ties, old issues and old thought patterns. Clear of any mental, spiritual, emotional or physical clutter.
Often the key to breaking a habit is to create a new one that is more supportive to your growth and happiness. Ultimately you need to take space for yourself, create a sense of inner stillness and calm. Then with strength and courage, clear away the clutter and destructive ties in life.

"Go with the flow ... ride the wind."

Friday, July 15, 2011


Dear Bloggers,

My meditation last night was good, I still feel nausea and light headed when I'm totally under. My teacher has told me that it is a high spirit guide. I've been trying to get her in my space for over a month now and the "sickness" is a little too much for now. I am trying to control it but it is more than enough now. She must come through now. I need her guidance!! But I need to be patient and do meditation every day/night.
My teacher was telling us last night about "materialisation" and told us to google it. How facinating. I am hoping to advance like that. I would love to do a materialisation by myself.
Blessings to all

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Dear Bloggers,
I have decided to start reading again for others. I have almost finished painting my "consulting" room and it is starting to look beautiful. My little goblin is just too cute and of course my little fairies are going to be harder to finish. I am so looking forward in finishing my room. It really is so exciting for me. I never imagined in my life that I would do this for money but money is energy and energy must flow.
I will try and get a photo of my room up soon. I can't wait to show every one.
Blessings to all

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Dear Bloggers,
When we say to others, "life is fair", try and remember that everyone has their own problems and to each one of us our problem is the biggest. Just because you struggling with something doesn't mean that others are having life easier.
The reason for this paragraph is that we all need to learn and experience "life changes" to our own degree and recognize the fact that we all have troubles and of course mine isn't smaller or bigger than yours. I trust in my spirit guide to direct me in the right direction. That little funny feeling you get in the pit of your stomach is the answer that you're looking for. Don't try and ignore and go by logic, take both into consideration and see which is the best to use. Days does go faster when you having fun, but have fun everyday. Smile more often and your worries and stress will not be such a burden on your shoulders.
Live your life the way you want to, not the way you have to!!!